Food delivery in District 1

Ho Chi Minh CityTop 10 stores selling clean food in HCMC 2 Months Ago No Feedback FACEBOOK PREV ARTICLE NEXT ARTICLE
Shop selling clean food in Ho Chi Minh City
Currently, the situation of food poisoning is becoming more and more widespread and gradually becoming out of control. The need for clean food, safe food will become indispensable for our lives. However, to find the right organic food and be assured of the true product quality of "it" as well as the origin is not simple.
Here, I will introduce to housewives the stores that sell

Online grocery storeKien Vuong Food is said to be an emerging online home delivery supermarket with the criteria of clean, fresh and reasonably priced food. Customers can shop online, quickly and conveniently.
At Kien Vua Food, we offer a wide variety of fresh foods, dry and frozen foods, and regional specialties.

This is a clean organic food store in Ho Chi Minh City. The place always offers foods of clear origin. It is the first choice for wise housewives. Specializes in providing foods that do not use pesticides, synthetic fertilizers, growth hormones, biotechnology and radiochemistry, which are assessed to have better nutritional content and taste.
Currently, the store is a place that specializes in providing: vegetables, tubers, fruits, seafood, meat, fish, eggs, spices, ... all of which are clean food items, for restaurants, companies, eateries and other institutions. Food and beverage business in the city area. HCM.
Address: 165 Nguyen Thai Binh, District 1, City. Ho Chi Minh City
Branch: 158 Bui Minh Truc, District 8, City. Ho Chi Minh City


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